Wann: 18. Mai 2022, 18 Uhr
Wo: Informatik-Gebäude, Hörsaal E 23, Otto-Hahn-Str. 14, 44227 Dortmund und
online https://tu-dortmund.zoom.us/j/91833175346?pwd=N1BaVlh2SXdPZkVEYjV6R0JWZXZLZz09
Meeting-ID: 918 3317 5346
Anmeldung: hier online
In unserer TechTalk-Reihe sind am 18. Mai Giulio Van Ginkel und Markus Daugs von der CGI Deutschland zu Gast. Von ihnen erfahren wir, wie die Block-Chain-Technologie helfen kann, die Kollision von Satelliten zu verhindern.
The number of satellite launches has risen exponentially in the last years and is continuing to do so. Due to this, traffic congestion, management and collision avoidance are important topics for the satellite industry. As there are no global controlling instances collision avoidance maneuvers need to be negotiated between satellite owners, on the basis of trajectory data gathered by partially military, civil and governmental sources.
The European Space Agency aims to set up an automated message and negotiation system using block-chain technology as a key stone.
Within 60 minutes Markus and Giulio will show what advantages block-chain technologies provide to build a highly secure, trustworthy and reliable channel for maneuver negotiation. Block-chain technologies are hereby supporting a self-governing approach and allow for traceability of responsibilities, in an ungoverned area, like space.